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Differences between fixed and variable gas terms

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:34 am
by pappu827
Whether you are covered by the TUR or have opted for a free market gas contract, your bill will show the fixed gas term . But there are some differences:

In the regulated market, the fixed price is set by the Government, as is the price of the variable price . Both the fixed and variable prices are updated when there is a change in the tolls and fees for accessing the system and the charges. In addition, the variable price is updated on a quarterly basis, provided that the raw material experiences a price variation of more than 2% upwards or downwards.
In the case of the free market, the amount of the fixed term is determined by the marketing company. It is the consumer who decides whether or not he wants to pay what is offered, or if it is worth looking for another company that makes him a better offer .
Therefore, within the free market we find that the fixed term of gas is not going to be the same for all users. It depends as much on the type of consumer in question as on the needs that he has.

The fixed term is an amount whose payment entitles christmas island email list the contract holder to use natural gas under the conditions agreed with his supplier. In exchange, the company undertakes to guarantee access to this energy based on the pressure and consumption conditions defined in the contract.

The access fee varies depending on the consumption and the contracted rate, and is expressed in euros per day or euros per month. It is calculated by multiplying the contracted price by the total number of days billed.

The formula would be:

Fixed term = days billed x fixed term price

However, we also find the variable term on the bill . This is the part that reflects the consumption made in the billing period and what has to be paid for it. To calculate the figure, the number of kWh consumed is multiplied by the price agreed with the company.

The formula is this:


Variable term: kWh of gas consumed x kWh price of gas

To arrive at the final amount you will have to pay for gas, some more arithmetic operations must be performed. First we calculate the Hydrocarbon Tax by multiplying its tax rate by the kWh of gas consumed in the billing period.

Now we add the fixed term, the variable term , the Hydrocarbon Tax and the meter rental. This gives us the taxable base of the invoice, to which we apply 21% VAT to obtain the total amount to be paid. In addition, if you have contracted any additional service such as maintenance, you will also have to add it. If your company applies any discount, you will also see it reflected on the invoice.

How to save on fixed gas bills?
Your consumption is the main determining factor of what you pay for your gas supply. But you have already seen that both the fixed and variable rates can be higher or lower depending on the rate you have chosen, and whether you are in the free or regulated market.