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How to Identify and Build Emotional Connection

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:04 am
by sohanuzzaman48
Functionality alone is not enough to create a lasting connection with customers. What matters more is an emotional connection.

So, what are the building blocks of emotional connection that help create higher value customers?

Emotional connection is built on understanding the core needs of list of australia fax number your customers. A group of consumers who love your product or service will help you achieve this. Let’s call this the “100 Lovers Strategy,” a strategy that Airbnb and Strava both use to build and expand their communities.

“It’s better to have 100 people who love your product than a million who are only fleetingly interested. Find those 100 people,” says Paul Graham of Y Combinator, one of Airbnb’s first investors.

When applying this “100 lovers” strategy, you need to let your core group of users realize that they are contributing to creating a community of shared interests, through contributing feedback, providing core insights into their real emotional needs. 100 people is the right number for you to easily test new features of your products and services.

If inspired, this core group of users will create high-quality, engaging content that attracts other consumers to join the community.


Rebuilding emotional connection
customer experience
To create emotional connections, companies must rediscover who their customers really are, what they crave, and what they are willing to pay for.

Back to AgriCo, we explained to the company the real reason for the platform’s failure, because AgriCo only provided features but lacked emotions. AgriCo then adopted a strategy of building a core group of 100 users to validate the emotional needs of their target consumers.

Based on the essential need for farmers to connect, AgriCo redesigned and turned the call center into a part of the customer care service using an online platform. The company's customer support department was also renamed the customer connection department. Farmers can contact this department to get advice on issues related to AgriCo's products and tools. They can connect online or call the center from the application installed on their smartphones.

After this change, AgriCo's sales increased sharply as farmers began to trust the company's customer connection department. From providing services, the platform truly became a living companion to farmers.

Building relationships is never easy, and maintaining emotional connections is even more challenging. But Strava has proven that its 100 core consumers are a quick, effective strategy for companies to win the hearts of consumers.

If a company focuses solely on the features it can provide, it will miss out on attracting passionate customers. The competitive landscape changes completely when a company can add an emotional connection to its products and services. To create an emotional connection, a company must rediscover who its customers really are, what they crave, and what they are willing to pay for.

Caring about customer experience is caring about your own business !
It can be seen that paying attention to customer experience plays an extremely important role in business development as well as determining the success of a business. Continuously improve the quality of customer service to bring the best experiences to your customers. To do that in today's digital age, businesses should know how to grasp and master technology, applying it to their business operations.

One of the most effective solutions in recent years is to integrate a call center/contact center system that suits the needs and orientation of the company, making it more convenient for the process of caring for and tracking the customer experience journey. From there, you will easily see positive changes in your business operations.