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[email protected]
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Keeping in touch with loved ones.

Post by [email protected] »

48.7 percent of small businesses say their mental health is mainly affected by “Lack of financial resources” , “Fear that my business will close” (23.93%), and “Violence and insecurity in the country” (23.93%) both in second place. The latter is not surprising, since Mexico closed the month of March as the most violent so far, with 2,585 murders throughout the month and in the midst of the Covid-19 contingency.

On the other hand, there are more personal reasons that stress micro-entrepreneurs, such as “Not having enough time for my personal life” (23.31%), which came in third place in the survey, followed by more administrative issues such as “Lack of access to financing” (17.51%) and “Bureaucratic procedures” (13.71%), in fourth and fifth place respectively.

And finally, in last place, the “Political climate” which, although, overall, was the least chosen option by those surveyed, does affect 7.26% of microentrepreneurs who chose it as a trigger for their stress.

These percentages reflect that financial restrictions, lack of economic resources and the enormous informality of jobs in Mexico are the biggest obstacles that Mexican SMEs encounter when implementing improvements in their businesses, such as the application of technological innovation, which allows them to face and survive crises such as these.

And together, all of these are elements that can induce stress and serious consequences for the health of people who have a small business or are looking to start one.

The disease of the 21st century
Unusual fatigue, migraines, sleep disorders, low self-esteem, mood swings, anxiety attacks, depression and mental exhaustion are pathologies that have been diagnosed in many entrepreneurs chile whatsapp number data 5 million around the world, since stress was considered the “disease of the 21st century” by the World Health Organization.

And not without reason, since according to the WHO , there are 264 million people in the world who suffer from depression, one of the main causes of disability, which costs the global economy US$1 trillion annually in lost productivity.

Therefore, placing the mental health of small business owners and entrepreneurs at the center of health policies before, during and after this contingency is not only a public health measure, but also an economic one.


Especially during the COVID-19 quarantine, for which the WHO has already dictated a series of measures to avoid falling into depression during confinement, such as:

Always try to maintain personal daily routines or create new routines if circumstances change.
If health authorities recommend limiting physical social contact to contain the outbreak, stay connected by phone, email, social media or video conferencing.
In times of stress, pay attention to your own needs and feelings.
Exercise regularly, maintain regular sleep routines, and eat healthy food.
And he noted that a constant stream of news about the outbreak can cause anxiety and depression.

Agony for small businesses
Finally, let's analyze which sectors reported suffering the most stress during the contingency.
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