Many companies do a good job of generating leads, but the problem is that most new prospects are not ready to buy. According to Forrester Research, poor lead qualification creates problems for sales departments. Salespeople cannot follow up properly because they do not have enough information about the opportunity to justify the real sales effort. Time is money, and wasting it on low-quality opportunities costs the company
money. Lead qualification is a process bc data vietnam phone number that begins with a consensus between the sales and marketing departments on what constitutes a qualified prospect for the company. The first step is to work together to identify (by mutual agreement) what the criteria for lead qualification will be. It can be thought that marketing automation tools are used to replace the lead qualification process. In this sense, it is true that marketing automation can make this process more efficient, but the key to lead management is closely
linked to the telephone activity of the human team that manages leads. In this sense, follow-up can be faster and more efficient because we can obtain the information that really interests us. A dedicated lead qualification team usually provides a quick response to all requests on our website or other communication channels. Even if we have good results in lead generation, it is important to establish a qualification process, otherwise the return on investment will be difficult to achieve.
Why lead qualification is important
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