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Should there be a call to action in “About Us”?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 9:15 am
by pilide2813
A call to action is highly recommended. A description that arouses interest and strikes an emotional chord is an opportunity to establish cooperation. Use this moment and encourage the customer to test your proposition or buy a product.

Example of a company description, i.e. "About the company" / "About us" / about us
It is important that the customer does not feel that this is a sales offer, but only a proposal to learn more about your company. What can you offer the reader? What are your goals and what do you want to achieve? What can the customer do for you?

Encourage them to sign up for macedonia telemarketing list a newsletter, download a free e-book, or check out a demo of your product or service. It’s important to act in accordance with your company values, which will provide you with a natural flow in your communication with customers.

Also read: Your Brand's Tone of Voice. Build a solid element of your brand communication strategy.

What is worth including on your “About Us” page?
The business description subpage should be friendly, inspire trust, and be able to sell. We wrote about this earlier, that in many cases, entering the "About Us" page is the only opportunity to attract a customer for a longer period of time and sell them something. What else is worth remembering?


Target group
Think about who your target group is? You probably already have your own analyses or you will find this information in your marketing strategy. If you do not have this information yet, create a persona that will be the equivalent of your customer. Describe it, i.e. who they are, their age, gender, concerns, earnings, etc. Then this information will be useful not only for creating content, but also for SEO activities .

Original company description
If the description is cliché, then the customer will treat your company that way. Make an effort, create a story that will distinguish you from the competition. On the other hand, the text should be balanced enough not to distort reality.