Reputation in the field and confidentiality of information: having third-party services and cloud services is very convenient and a very simple way to collaborate with other companies. However, the provider you work with will have access to the company's database and communication strategy, so it is important to verify that it is a serious company, sign the appropriate telemarketing data confidentiality contracts and ensure the company's reputation by searching on the Internet. A company without references on the Internet could be a ghost company. A company with more than 10% of negative references versus positive ones should also be a company to be wary of.
What service level agreements (SLAs) does the provider commit to?
Technical support: it is recommended that they provide service whenever we decide to send messages, we must be guaranteed that in case of any inconvenience the technical service will be able to respond. If our campaign is 24/7, a provider that has night and early morning service every day of the year is required. We recommend that you test that they really have 24/7 before hiring.
User manual: it is necessary to know if the provider has a user manual and video documentation or a university to train in the uses and integrations of its platform. Considering this point avoids delays in the start of actions.