What are website banners and how to best manage them
Digital Marketing
and how to best manage them
Advertising banners are graphics – dynamic or static – that are used to bring visits to a specific landing page. Starting from this definition we can think about how to optimize this essential path to activate different digital marketing processes.
In short, if you want to lead the audience that arrives on the website to a sales, booking or quote request page you should consider the idea of inserting banners in different areas . The real problem with this solution concerns the graphic congestion that a web banner can cause.
Just think about this: there is a specific Google penalty dedicated to interstitial ads , a particularly invasive type of banner that takes up the entire page. Clearly we are talking about an extreme condition but it is certainly true that when you choose to use banners to direct traffic to certain resources you have to evaluate various aspects. For example? Here's what you need to know.
Table of Contents
What is a banner ad?
Banner Types, Shapes and Sizes
How to create an effective banner?
Focus on persuasion
Beware of Banner SEO
Don't Forget Core Web Vitals
Simplicity always wins
Place in the right place
How to Insert a Banner on WordPress
A good way to manage banners
What is a banner ad?
With this term we mean a graphic advertisement – in some Peru Phone Numbers cases animated – present on a website. Basically it is the element of online advertising that allows the user to connect to a commercial destination. All through a link that works like a hyperlink.
advertising banner
Above you can see two examples of banners on the Search Engine Journal site located in two different positions above the fold. The purpose is to promote a good or service . Some mobile banners do not link to pages inside or outside the domain but initiate a phone call to a number.
On a website I can put a banner directed to an internal or external page. In the latter case it will be appropriate to insert a nofollow attribute to prevent Google from hypothesizing a purchase and sale of advertising links, an eventuality that could be a source of SEO penalization .
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Banner Types, Shapes and Sizes
As you can imagine, there are different forms and types of advertising creativity to add to your website or blog to achieve the goal . That is, to attract the user's attention and clicks.
The goal is to drive traffic to the right pages, to do this you need to choose how and where to insert the banners based on different needs . Let's start by distinguishing the banners from a graphic point of view.
We can talk about sitewide solutions that are positioned in common areas of the website – especially headers and sidebars – and those internal to the contents or editorials that are included in the web pages .
site banner dimensions
Then we have pop-ups that invade the reading and use of the web page by forcing the user to close the window and continue browsing. Obviously, we are talking about an increasingly invasive level in which the user experience risks taking a step backwards.
There are different types of banners and the distinction is also defined by the shape. Which can be square and rectangular, with different shapes ranging from the Skyscraper (a very high rectangle that takes up the entire vertical area of the page) to the Leaderboard which performs the same function horizontally.
However, everything changes if we talk about mobile banners that are slightly different also because we must consider that the screen space is very small. So it is right to preserve the UX .
To address the issue of the size of advertising banners on websites, one must take into account the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) , a standard that has created and constantly updated the official dimensions of the main advertising banners. Which are gathered in this list:
Medium rectangle: 300 x 250
Pop Up Square: 250 x 250
Vertical rectangle: 240 x 400
Large rectangle: 336 x 280
Rectangle: 180 x 150
Banners: 468 x 60
Half banner: 234 x 60
Microbar: 88 x 31
Button 1: 120 x 90
Button 2: 120 x 60
Vertical benner: 120 x 240
Square button: 125 x 125
Leaderboard: 728 x 90
Skyscraper wide: 160 x 600
Skyscraper: 120 x 600
These measurements, taken from Wikipedia , are expressed in pixels and can be managed in order to add banners in the various sections of the pages. The goal is to evaluate the right internal balances , both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Always having conversions as a reference.
How to create an effective banner?
There is a real art to creating a winning banner. Not only from a graphic point of view but also to make it easy to click. There is nothing worse on a website than an advertising element that takes up space but is not clicked and used by the public. The goal is always the same: to bring visits to the landing pages or product sheets. How does this happen?
Focus on p evolving every single aspect of your strategy to bring traffic to the pages that matter.