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Sustainable business: How can process mapping help me have one?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:11 am
by ayshakhatun663
Process mapping for a sustainable business
When reading the expression sustainable business , there may be an almost immediate association with the concept of ecological, which ends up limiting the meaning that is so broad.

But what is a sustainable business?
This expression is used to refer to a bc data europe business that is balanced in ecological, energetic, social and also economic aspects.

These criteria refer to respect for the environment, with the use of resources that do not harm it or hinder relationships between living beings present in it, for example, the use of biodegradable packaging.

When it comes to the economic aspects of the business, it is essential to know the value of the product being sold, which must be determined based on a calculation that takes into account the company's revenue, costs, expenses and the contribution margin that it wants to obtain, that is, how much a given product “pays the bills” of the company, accounting concepts that are important for good financial management.

Furthermore, there must be knowledge of the market in relation to its competitors, so that the price of the business is in good conditions to compete with other companies in the same sector.


Furthermore, for a sustainable business, it is important to use renewable energy sources, that is, those that have a relatively short renewal cycle, shorter than human life, and to optimize the resources used in the business, both people and raw materials, avoiding waste.

In industries, the terms waste and bottleneck are well known and when their importance is recognized within the industry, a management philosophy called lean manufacturing is commonly adopted, which aims to identify and reduce or eliminate the seven types of waste: overproduction, waiting time, transportation , excess processing, inventory, movement and defects. Furthermore, it is characterized by quality and flexibility in production.

In this context, process mapping is useful for identifying waste in a process, creating opportunities for improvement. In this way, it enables the company to become more efficient and competitive in the market, reducing unnecessary production costs.

But what is process mapping?
Process mapping identifies a logical sequence of activities and components that make up a process. This is a sequence of actions to achieve an objective (and repeated regularly). This service includes activities such as: understanding, improving, documenting, standardizing and enhancing processes. In this way, the product is the visual representation of the process.

Also read our complete Process Mapping guide !

The representation is made by flowcharts, which describe the operational sequence observed in the process. This makes it possible to quickly and easily understand how the material and information flow. One of the main benefits that can be observed is the rationalization of work, which allows the identification of failures in the process.

Benefits of process mapping for your company
Identify bottlenecks: parts of the process that do not flow well and end up hindering production performance;
Delimit functions: by simplifying work it is possible to better define those responsible for tasks;
Avoid wasting resources: after identifying bottlenecks, it is possible to transform the activities involved in the process so that there is greater efficiency and costs are reduced.
Standardization of activities: defining the best way to perform the task. In order to make all employees perform it in the same way and reduce the time taken to complete it and improve performance.
Mapping can be carried out with different levels of detail depending on the objective you want to achieve.