Due to the flexibility of some companies, the possibility of self-employment or even the current COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a lot of talk about home office . But what is it and how can it be applied? In 6 tips, we will teach you how to have an efficient home office!
Home office, or in a vnpay database literal translation, “home office”, is the simple fact of carrying out work or an activity outside of a fixed location predetermined by the contractor.
These activities most commonly take place in coworking environments (shared workspaces) or even in workers' own homes.
Therefore, the freedom to define your routines, activities and schedules is much greater; but, consequently, the responsibility and need for organization are also greater.
Therefore, we have listed some of the steps necessary to have a good relationship with this practice that has become increasingly common in the corporate environment.
Although it may seem easy, there are many challenges for those who work from home .
And, especially for those who are going to work from home, it is very common to end up confusing things and forgetting about responsibilities by being in your work and rest environment at the same time.
Knowing this, the first step to maintaining consistency in activities is to change your awareness , knowing that even when you are at home, you need to organize yourself and respect some rules.
Some exercises, such as a short meditation to concentrate, can help at this stage.
But it's no use if your conscience tells you it's time to work but the environment you're in says otherwise.
In other words, there is no point working from home while sitting on the sofa and expecting the results to be similar to working in an office.
Therefore, it is very important to have an ideal environment for work , quiet, comfortable, with access to the internet and other materials that are necessary for the activity (such as a mouse, keyboard, notepad or pen).
Furthermore, pay attention to small details that can serve as triggers for both productivity and procrastination.
Coffee and appropriate clothing help to create a more focused and serious environment, while working in pajamas or even leaving items that distract your attention, such as television and social media, within reach are an invitation to lose focus.
Therefore, be aware of what is around you and do your best to avoid distractions.
Example of a suitable environment for home office
Example of a suitable and efficient environment for home office
READ MORE IN THE E-BOOK: The secret to a productive work environment!
Another tip is to create a well-defined routine, which includes setting a time for all activities, including meals, as knowing that a certain time is reserved exclusively for work boosts your productivity and momentarily disconnects you from everything else.
Likewise, a moment set aside for rest gives you a clear conscience about not working and makes you more relaxed.
It is also important to initially set a time to wake up and try to stick to it, and along with that, create a morning routine.
That is, an action that wakes you up and marks the beginning of your day, such as taking a shower, drinking coffee or doing physical exercise.
This way, whenever this action is taken, it will be easier to concentrate on the home office .
As mentioned above, don't forget to also set aside time for rest or to determine the end of your workday, allowing you to carry out other activities without worrying.
Or even knowing that if at a certain time things are still not finished, it's okay and you can finish it the next day.
Planning and organization
At the end of the day, also worry about what needs to be done the next day .
Having short goals and clear objectives helps a lot in determining whether the work is being productive and well done or if some change in its progress is needed.
And don't just worry about what needs to be done the next day, but also what your goal is in the slightly longer term.
And it is also important to know what your objective is at the end of everything, since this is one of the premises of good planning , and also don't forget to build well-defined goals for each of these points.
READ MORE AT: How to set goals for your business!
Furthermore, keep a close eye on the activities that need to be done in your home office . This organization can be done in different ways, such as a planner , a checklist, a kanban or even an agenda.
This way you can clearly see which activities have been completed and which need to be resumed to be completed.
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6 tips for an efficient home office
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