Complementary selling – what is it and how does it work?

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Complementary selling – what is it and how does it work?

Post by xarago5158 »

Increasing sales is something that every entrepreneur cares about. Unfortunately, the highly competitive market currently makes it difficult to acquire new customers and generate profits. A concept that can make this a bit easier is complementary selling. Thanks to it, you can easily increase the value of purchases, while achieving satisfactory results. In this article, we will tell you what it is and how to use it.

What is complementary selling?
Complementary selling involves offering additional products or services to a customer when they are interested in buying a given item. The essence of this tactic is the need to match the offer to the item that the person intends to buy or has just bought. This method is best illustrated with a specific example. If you sell seeds, offer the customer to buy soil or a pot. If you run a professional cleaning company, when the customer is interested in window cleaning, you can offer them additional carpet cleaning.
The most important aspect influencing the effectiveness of complementary selling is correctly defining the customer's needs. If you accurately assess their expectations and problems, expanding the function of a specific product or service in the scope of their preferences, you will certainly effectively encourage them to make an additional purchase.

Cross-selling concept
Complementary sales are often referred to as cross-selling. The translation of this term indicates adding a complementary item to the main product, giving the customer additional value. It is also worth mentioning up-selling here, because the term is also very often confused with the concept of complementary sales. However, it means offering the buyer slightly more expensive products, of a higher standard or quality than those they intend to buy. Cross-selling, however, includes activities related to proposing sets, i.e. complementary products, to the buyer.

One tactic in this concept is to offer, for jordan mobile phone number example, free shipping. The key advantage of cross-selling is that it is very simple to use and does not require many additional actions. With it, you can easily increase the value of a single transaction, satisfy the customer and achieve better results.

Advantages of complementary selling – why is it worth it?
Complementary sales, as we have already mentioned, are a great way to increase sales. The effectiveness of this method is primarily due to the characteristics of modern customers and the specifics of their purchasing decisions. Let's not kid ourselves. Consumers are not particularly loyal these days, and their choices are often based on impulse or effective advertising. It often happens that a person who bought your product will never visit your online store again. Therefore, it is worth implementing the idea of ​​complementary sales, thanks to which the value of a single transaction will reach the maximum amount.


Another significant advantage of cross-selling is the fact that the process can be fully automated. Once set up, the algorithms will do all the work for you. All you need to do is place a simple banner on your website with recommendations from people who bought product X along with item Y or Z. You can also present the customer with the possibility of increasing the value of the order in exchange for a certain discount.

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Complementary selling is also a great way to engage a customer in interactions with your brand and increase brand awareness. If you catch the recipient's attention at the checkout stage, the chances that they will remember your offer and decide to visit the store again at the next opportunity are much greater.

With complementary sales, you can also increase customer trust in your brand, which has a positive impact on its results. Presenting the user with several options for additional products or promotions makes them feel more appreciated and cared for. They will certainly be happy to return to your store.

It is also worth mentioning that cross-selling is almost risk-free. If the customer decides to buy an additional item or service, you will make a profit. If not, you will not lose anything. The value of the order can therefore only increase, and in the worst case, the consumer will buy only what he actually came for.
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