My method for finding your ideal client

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My method for finding your ideal client

Post by simarahman5835 »

The ideal client is the subject that is repeated par excellence in entrepreneurship! However, I still come across so many entrepreneurs who think they know them without being able to identify their needs, their problems, their desires . And that is typically the sign that you don't know your ideal client so well after all!

So if you find yourself in this intro, read on to find out what actions you can take to make sure you're talking to the right people .

Or if you prefer audio, listen to the episode of my podcast Com'Toi from which this article is transcribed.

What does knowing your ideal client really mean?
When I dig with entrepreneurs about their issues around their digital greece whatsapp number data communication, we quickly realize the heart of the problem: they have not precisely identified their ideal client. They have a general idea of ​​the person they want to work with. On the other hand, the needs, desires, problems, shortcomings, etc., zero idea!

Result: they don't know what to say in their content to reach the right people . Those who want to work with them.
And that 's proof that the ideal client is not worked on enough!

If you know your ideal client inside out, you are able to communicate properly and reach them. You always know what to tell them so that it resonates with them according to each situation they may encounter. Because your ideal client is not simply a gender, an age, or socio-demographic characteristics.


Let's take my example.

My ideal client is not : an entrepreneur in her thirties who has an ethical, social, human project and who wants to find clients by communicating on the internet.

Anyway, you get the idea.
Because I could go on and on about my ideal client.

This is what it really means: “know your ideal client”!
Knowing exactly what that person is going through, what that person is feeling, what that person wants.

Here's my method to get you inside his head!
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