Take advantage of Easter and increase your digital traffic

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Take advantage of Easter and increase your digital traffic

Post by ayshakhatun450 »

Winter is ending, spring is here and with it the Easter holidays. The increase in free time for people represents a rise in sales in certain industries, especially those in tourism, food and entertainment , where the demand for video games and consoles such as Nintendo is increasing in Mexican consumers, and the average ticket price for categories related to this season, such as seafood, snacks, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, sunscreen and other personal hygiene items, is rising by 40%.

It is now that large supermarket chains are list of western sahara consumer email boosting their sales through the online channel by offering exclusive promotions for this type of product, among other higher-value products such as inflatable pools.

In addition, according to a survey by CANACOPE (Chamber of Commerce, Services and Small Tourism), 7 out of 10 Mexicans plan to do some kind of holiday activity during Easter, and it is estimated that 81% of Mexicans who travel do so to a national destination, 24% of them spend more than 6 thousand MXN pesos during the trip and 84% find out about the offers through online platforms.

In Mexico, around 8 million dollars USD are invested in tourism advertising and it is promoted mainly on channels such as YouTube, Facebook, some online newspapers and on intermediary pages.

When deciding to develop a specific strategy for this season, it is important to take into account that a key point for advertising is to reach consumers at the right time, and that digital search traffic focused on clothing, food and travel promotions increases 15 days before Easter.

That is why we recommend that you start your strategy at the beginning of the month to alert the consumer of the start of the season and the presence of your brand. Here are some tips:

1. Define the objective
Start by analyzing your market's behavior during Easter and your company's performance during the same dates in previous years. For each campaign you want to create, you must define an objective, whether it is to generate sales, increase brand recognition or build customer loyalty.


2. Communicate special promotions
Depending on what your business needs most, you can target these promotions as a loyalty technique to people who are already your customers or to the market that doesn't know you yet to attract new consumers. With good planning, even one campaign can cover both sides.

3. Use social media
With people's free time increasing, using social media to advertise your campaign is ideal. Generate brand awareness and increase your followers with sales promotion strategies such as contests or giveaways. These types of actions are perfect for motivating people to interact with your brand.

Create a benefit for your followers and keep your social media content relevant to the profile your business is targeting.

Here's a tip: Traffic increases especially on platforms like YouTube and Spotify. On the other hand, on Instagram keep your feed with photos that relate your product to Easter to make it clear that the account is active and up to date with what's happening in the world.

4. Involve email marketing
In addition to social media, you can send your promotions or newsletters in Easter-themed emails.

Make some kind of association between the holidays and your product or service and send your email close to the date so that people have the information you share fresh in their minds and your brand is on their mind at an opportune moment during the season.

Use a tagline to grab the reader's attention in the email and don't forget to place calls to action throughout it.

5. Design a specific landing page
As with any limited promotion, creating specific landing pages helps you keep the browser engaged in the experience of the date and the relationship with your product or service. Adapt the design and copy in such a way that it encourages the reader to think about your brand during this Easter and provide them with the necessary tools to continue their journey with you.

Take these tips into account and achieve the marketing objectives set for your Easter campaign.
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