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7 Mistakes in MVP Product Development

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:46 am
by sharminsultana128
Startup is always a risky business. And considering the limited budget, startuppers resort to MVP product development.

MVP development prevents budget waste and tests the viability of the project.

Despite the attractive packaging, such a development in the wrong hands becomes the enemy of a startup.

In this article we will tell you how to avoid 7 mistakesMVP developmentsproduct.

Briefly about MVP

To make sure your startup will work or not, make an MVP. Minimum viable product literally means “minimum viable product”.

You are implementingmobile application,landingorwebsitewith minimal, key functionality. The development includes the most important for a potential client and is minimally resource-intensive for you.

If the MVP finds its customers, the product is scaled, expanded, and becomes a full-fledged business.

What mistakes await a startup?

“Perfect” is the enemy of the good
Keep in mind the main idea of ​​the MVP and implement only key features. Provide customers with a general understanding of the future product.

If a product is not needed, neither design nor fast performance will save it, and the resources will already be spent.

Important: Don't try to cover all platforms at once if the startup is a mobile application. Focus on the firmware, the main functions before implementing the same for Android.

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A miser works twice, or from one extreme to another
Just because we don't waste resources on unnecessary functionality doesn't mean we skimp on everything.

Key functions are done with the highest quality. If you decide to make an MVP site on free hosting, you will lose. It is important to show clients key functions and demonstrate their quality. In the case of a site, it is better to have a simple but reliable and customizable web page than a free one that takes a long time to load.

Important: Minimum does not mean “unfinished” or “minimal quality”.

Cupcake principle
MVP should be a full-fledged product with a specific function. During the entire period of product implementation, customers enjoy its “light version”.

This can be compared to the invention of the car:

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Nobody brings to market first a wheel, then a wheel and a case, and so chinese malaysia cell phone number data on incrementally. Each time a full-fledged product is released, ready for use, customer loyalty is assessed, and then functionality is added.

Our final product is the sum of previous successful MVP implementations.

This is called the Cupcake principle, when before presenting a huge multi-layered cake, we offer a cupcake. A cupcake is a full-fledged product, by which we see whether the audience likes what we do or not.

We don't analyze feedback
It's a cliche, but many startups fail by ignoring feedback from users and testers.

React to signals from them and eliminate shortcomings. If customers say that everything is going smoothly - bring the product to perfection.

Important indicators:

daily number of users
retention rate
average time spent in an app or website
Use analytics tools to get this information.

Services for startups inour article.


To announce something and not implement it
It's good when a service has a gimmick. Clients may come to you precisely because of it.

At the MVP stage, startups like to announce future innovations and additions.

But anything can happen, and this trick may not come to fruition. Don't lie to your clients, either for marketing purposes or in any other way.

If you have disappointed users, have the courage to make a public apology.

Reputation is everything to us.

Strong passion for an idea
Sometimes, being obsessed with the success of a business idea prevents you from rationally assessing how things are actually happening. Yes, your brainchild is very dear to you, but it is not an idol to blindly worship.

Important: If tests show that it is better to abandon some element, do not resist.

Save the idea for later.

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Does the world need my idea at all?
This is a mistake startups often make. In all Artjoker articles about startups, we emphasize that the idea must be unique, breakthrough, give the world something that has not yet existed.

But not every idea that comes to a startup founder's mind is innovative. Many repeat the features of competitors. In this case, your project is not a startup and there is no point in making an MVP.

Solution: Check the business experience in your field and focus on improving it. Offer something new to users in already familiar niches.

The main reason for startup failures is lack of demand in the market. With the help of MVP, you will check the product for demand and decide whether to improve the development or waste time. Plus, you will save money and team resources.

Be mindful and flexible when developing your MVP and you can avoid making mistakes.