5 Steps to B2B Marketing Analytics Nirvana [Infographic]
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:30 am
What if I told you, that by focusing on five key areas, you can reach a place where everything in Account Engagement and Salesforce just works? That with these five areas handled well, you can achieve reporting nirvana with B2B marketing analytics? I’m guessing you’d be pretty excited, although maybe a little skeptical!
Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson
4 mins
3D eBook cover with text How to Measure ROI using PardotFree ResourceDownload now
The truth is, there are just five steps to reaching what MarCloud calls ‘B2BMA Nirvana’. By this, we mean the ultimate state of marketing clarity and serenity. A state in which you can:
Leave broken reports in the past
Attend meetings armed with accurate results
Secure more marketing budget
Deliver greater marketing ROI
It’s the holy grail of Salesforce marketing and buy telemarketing lists we’re about to share how to get there.
Take a look at the infographic below, or scroll for the text version of each step!
B2BMA Nirvana infographic
Infographic showing the steps to B2BMA Nirvana
B2BMA Nirvana by MarCloud
Free Measuring ROI eBook
In our ‘How to Measure ROI Using Pardot’ eBook, you’ll find a detailed list of all the steps you need to take to fully track and report on marketing attribution and return on investment.
Technical setup
Integration with Sales Cloud
Lead qualification
Structuring your account
Organising assets
Reporting nirvana
Download How to Measure Pardot ROI
3D eBook cover with text How to Measure ROI using Pardot
5 steps to B2B marketing analytics nirvana
1. Qualify & assign prospects
Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson
4 mins
3D eBook cover with text How to Measure ROI using PardotFree ResourceDownload now
The truth is, there are just five steps to reaching what MarCloud calls ‘B2BMA Nirvana’. By this, we mean the ultimate state of marketing clarity and serenity. A state in which you can:
Leave broken reports in the past
Attend meetings armed with accurate results
Secure more marketing budget
Deliver greater marketing ROI
It’s the holy grail of Salesforce marketing and buy telemarketing lists we’re about to share how to get there.
Take a look at the infographic below, or scroll for the text version of each step!
B2BMA Nirvana infographic
Infographic showing the steps to B2BMA Nirvana
B2BMA Nirvana by MarCloud
Free Measuring ROI eBook
In our ‘How to Measure ROI Using Pardot’ eBook, you’ll find a detailed list of all the steps you need to take to fully track and report on marketing attribution and return on investment.
Technical setup
Integration with Sales Cloud
Lead qualification
Structuring your account
Organising assets
Reporting nirvana
Download How to Measure Pardot ROI
3D eBook cover with text How to Measure ROI using Pardot
5 steps to B2B marketing analytics nirvana
1. Qualify & assign prospects