The name Objectives and Key Results is translated as "goals and key results". The OKR method is now used in management and allows you to manage projects. More precisely, to coordinate personal goals with common ones and control the implementation of the planned tasks by the entire team.
For these purposes, expected results are selected, which can then be measured. If they are achieved, the plan can be considered implemented. The OKR system should be oriented towards kuwait whatsapp group the organization's strategy, otherwise it will be ineffective, since development will go the wrong way.
The first letter "O" (Objectives) in the name of the method means an important, difficult to achieve goal that gets the team going, inspires them, gives them a boost of energy, and aims for success. It is often impossible to achieve ambitious plans 100%. Thus, in Google, 60-70% of tasks are considered an excellent result.
If OKR is implemented 100%, then your business goal is elementary. Fulfilling the plan by 40% or less indicates a high bar or inability to work. Therefore, there is no point in rewarding employees. Seeing that their incentives are determined by OKR, they will set themselves easier tasks, and magic will not happen.
The Objective parameter cannot be measured by metrics, and the degree of its implementation is not easy to establish. Here, Key Results (KR) will help you – the other two letters that the OKR abbreviation includes. Let us recall that these are key results that ground the goal. They indicate to what extent the plan has been achieved.
To control the execution of tasks, the employee can choose one KR or several, but no more than five metric parameters. The best way to describe achievements is to use about 2-3 results. The fewer of them, the easier it is to focus on the main thing.