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Why use an agency for your local SEO?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 5:27 am
by seobd65
In local SEO, the expertise of a specialized SEO agency is absolutely crucial. Unlike traditional SEO, local SEO has unique specificities: Google map and the local pack or Google My Business are manifestations of this. Understanding these nuances and exploiting local query patterns requires in-depth expertise. Also, choosing the right agency involves looking for extensive skills and diverse local experience.

With SEMrush, we can define local SEO as the "process of asia cell phone number list optimizing online presence in order to increase traffic, visibility and awareness of a brand at the local level.". Concretely, it involves a store, a point of sale, or a company working on its positioning in the SERPs for all requests that have an eminently territorial vocation . As with "classic" SEO, the question of using an agency arises. What is the point of using an agency when working on your local SEO?

The first argument that justifies calling on a local SEO agency is undoubtedly the extent of the specificities and levers of local SEO compared to SEO that could be described as "classic" SEO.


Organic results
And for good reason, when we talk about classic SEO , the rules of the game are simple: it's about positioning your site at the top of the page for a given query . Based on the assumption that a query with a strong business vocation is targeted here (eliminating the possibility of finding yourself in competition with informational pages), the SERPs will therefore present two types of players: your competitors and the relay sites , often ranking sites of your competitors (and yourself). This is for example the case for the query "SEO agency". It offers in search results: SEO agencies on the one hand, SEO agency rankings on the other hand. In a "classic" SEO framework, the SEO expert's mission will therefore consist of making his client appear in the top results and perhaps also (depending on the extent of the mission entrusted to him) in the rankings proposed in the SERPs.