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5 key points for setting up your own project

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:22 am
by jrineakter0.2
Unlock your entrepreneurial potential: learn the 5 essential points to launch your own project. Keep reading.
One of the advantages of being self-employed, apart from giving up your social, family and even love life, is that you can become an entrepreneur and create your own projects, brands that go beyond yourself.
You will be able to shape more than one idea at the same time and diversify, with the aim of having more than one project to ruin yourself with.
If you are thinking of producing your own project, this post might interest you. Or maybe not, eh? I don't know. I don't know your interests. But hey, you'll get something out of it. So, below I share with you the lessons I have learned from putting together more than 15 projects, five of which feed me. Quicos, but they feed me, which is what matters...

Start of marked textSHARE! Thinking about chad email list starting your own business? Discover the 5 key points for starting a business in this fun monologue by Alex Martínez Vidal.End of marked text

I would like to clarify that this list is not a dogma, it is simply the five characteristics that, in my opinion and experience , a project that I embark on, that I come up with myself or that I join afterwards must meet in order to live in peace, without stress and paying the bills. Which is no small feat.

Do you know the key points for setting up your own project? Join comedian Álex Martínez in this fun monologue and unlock your potential as an entrepreneur now.
Don't miss it!

The term 'lean' comes from Latin and means: don't get carried away . It's a lie, right? I just made that up. But hey, actually, the 'don't get carried away' part does convey the essence of setting up your own project using the lean methodology .

'Lean' means lean, frugal, fat-free, poor, scarce... and the lean method , which is what we are concerned with, consists of first validating your service or product and then, if you see that it is working, you put more pressure on it and make it grow. Or what is the same, starting a project without getting carried away to see if there is interest.


Let's take an example to make it clearer: one of my projects is an online school. Well, I could have set it up by putting in all my savings and investors and launched it with 100 courses or launched it with 5 courses and see if there was interest. That's what we did and it worked. We launched with a minimum viable product and once it was validated, we drew up the plan to make it grow.

In short, if it goes wrong you will be ruined, but not very much. Can you go bankrupt a little? Good question. Next point.

2. The brand is more than a logo
We make the mistake of thinking that a brand is just a logo, a font and a color, and this is a mistake of biblical proportions. Well, not biblical, but let's not get carried away, we're talking about a brand. There are more important things.

A brand is a message, a tone that must convey certain values ​​to connect with the right audience and make us recognizable and differentiable.

The logo is just the tip of the iceberg , the fat comes down and is what is relevant. So when designing a brand, try not to order a logo for €15. Try to do a little market research first to see the competition and ask yourself the right questions such as: who is my ideal client? What values ​​and beliefs do I have as a project? What do clouds smell like? Ok, the last one doesn't matter, but you get the idea.

So first analyze carefully what you want to do, make it make sense and then, build a graphic and a message consistent with that.