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Focus Group: What is this methodology and how to apply it to your marketing strategy?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:45 am
by Abdur8
Focus Group is a qualitative research method that brings together participants for an interview, in which opinions about products or services are expressed. It is a type of research widely used in marketing.

When the marketing department is in charge of launching a new product or service, the results of the action need to be positive. Organizing a focus group can be very important to achieve success in this task.

Some people confuse focus groups with interviews or informal conversations, but this concept is wrong.

Keep reading this article until the end and discover how focus groups really work and how they are applied in a marketing strategy.

What is a Focus Group?
Focus Group is a market research method that aims to dubai email list 31062 contact leads ecuador email list 1.3 million contact leads analyze and capture feedback on a company's products, services and marketing campaigns.

Focus groups typically gather 5 to 10 people and always have a moderator who leads the exchange of ideas. Focus group meetings can last between thirty minutes and an hour and a half.

The role of the moderator is to list the questions and share them with the group so that everyone can respond. The number of questions can vary from 10 to 15, with the main purpose being for each participant to express their ideas and opinions.

Group participants should be recruited based on their purchasing history, demographics, psychographics , or consumer behavior . Group members typically do not know each other.


To ensure that the maximum number of different ideas or reactions are captured, companies often hold several focus groups, often in different physical spaces.

As participants answer questions, the moderator and others present observe and make notes.

What are the benefits of focus groups?
To understand the value of focus groups in your business, you must know their three main advantages:

They favor the launch of new products
Once dialogues occur, they can provide important information for the development of new products or services that truly appeal to the target audience , leading to increased sales.

They are useful for the Rebranding process
If your brand is no longer able to attract the public in the same way it did a few years ago, it may be time to consider rebranding .

For these changes to be positive, the responses obtained in the focus group exchanges can guide the best path.