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4 Instagram advertising best practices you can explore in 2021

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:35 am
by Abdur8
If you are thinking about advertising on Instagram, one of the most popular today, in this content we will tell you why it is a good idea and how to do it correctly.

Anyone with a modicum of digital knowledge knows that social media is a catapult, if used properly, to make yourself known.

According to the MX Internet Association and Digital Statistics, 82% of Mexicans spend part of their day checking this social network . This represents a golden opportunity for brands and companies that need to get their messages to thousands or millions of people.

To help you make the most of it, in the following lines we will explain how valuable advertising on Instagram is and the best practices for carrying it out.


Why advertise on Instagram?
If you have been on the platform in the last few months, you djibouti email list 20611 contact leads must have noticed that it is constantly updating its features, all with the intention of giving a more pleasant user experience to everyone.

For example, by using Stories, brands have been able to get closer to their audiences without being invasive and transmit messages in a more casual, less structured and, obviously, more appealing way for their target audience .

Also, by using Facebook Ads, the Facebook ad manager that is also part of Instagram, you can have a valuable duality, showing advertising on both social networks.

Other advantages are:

Branding : boost your brand through paid campaigns and make your company known to thousands of potential customers .
Create communities : Advertising on Instagram allows you to create audiences and communities that serve as new avenues of direct communication between you and your audience.
Visual impact : and thus manage to attract the attention of users within the social network, with an advertisement located within the feed without being invasive or annoying.


Finally, advertising on Instagram is low cost, and AdEspresso studies confirm that the average cost per click is something close to US$0.8.

4 Best Practices for Advertising on Instagram
The first thing you need to understand is that, although Instagram is part of Facebook, the former has features separate from the latter. So, if you want advertising to work properly on it, you need to understand the basics.

There are two ways, for now, where ads appear: in the feed and in Stories.

In the first one , the ads appear in the usual timeline, where you scroll down and the photos or videos of your followers appear. In this way, the ad looks like a normal post, but with the ad label to be recognized as such.

The second are those that are shown in vertical format, either as a video or image within the Stories. They are also indicated as advertising, but without being invasive or annoying, every 4 or 5 accounts.

So, with this clear, it's time to talk about best practices.