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The daily book and its implications for the self-employed

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:19 am
by Aklima@4
In general, every self-employed person needs to keep an accounting record of their economic operations through annotations (entries) in the Journal .

Until a few years ago, it was common for professionals and small businesses to have a physical book or notebook in which to make these notes. This meant having to pass the book to the accounting firm or accountant at certain times during the year, so that they could classify and manage the accounting events necessary for the different settlements and declarations, as well as the legalisation of the corresponding books for each year.

Things have evolved, and accounting is done in digital format, using software and digital media. Well, for many, evolution has come to accounting and, for example, the user of Sage Invoicing only has to worry about issuing invoices to clients and recording the invoices received, so that the application itself can prepare the daily book.

If you are a merchant or carry out a commercial activity, you must comply with the regulations set out in the Commercial Code and legalise the Journal by presenting it to the Commercial Registry within four months following the end of the accounting year. That is, if the year ends on 31 December, it will be necessary to present it before 30 April.

Although traditionally the various volumes of the engineering email list Daily Book are printed, bound and presented in the Commercial Registry of the province in which it is registered, the truth is that the state of technology in terms of online accounting solutions has facilitated the evolution to the digital environment , and now, it is best to present it electronically.

The Commercial Registry itself provides, in the section on Legalisation of Books , the software to prepare the file to be presented as a Journal. You must download the Legalia program , and RLegalia to sign it. In that same section it provides manuals with help and descriptions of the entire process.


In the general case of self-employed persons who do not carry out commercial activity, those who use simplified direct estimation or those who are covered by the Equivalence Surcharge , this legalization is not necessary, but it is necessary that they keep their Journal up to date in case of a tax inspection. Again, Sage Invoicing users do not have to worry about this, since the application automates and records all accounting entries according to the operations that correspond to the management of their invoices, payments and collections.