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Collaborate with the right media

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:03 am
by Monira96
The media are an integral part of any political campaign. And most of the PR teams usually come prepared with their own contact lists of various media they tend to collaborate with. But it is rather difficult to track what exactly the media shares and in which way. This is where Determ can step in, too.

Read How to Track Reputation after a Political base de datos de teléfonos celulares méxico Campaign with Media Monitoring

Apart from the ability to monitor if the media shard your press release, you can look for additional collaboration opportunites in Determ’s influencers list. Additionally, you can sort the influencers list by sentiment or impressions, to get an extra dimension of their effect. So if you’re for example running an electoral campaign for the Democratic Party in the USA, you can take a look at the most prominent media or individuals publishing content in a negative context about your opponents, the Republican Party, and check if there is an additional opportunity for the promotion of your candidates.


Influencers by sentiment
Influencers by sentiment; source: Determ
To Conclude
Having a media monitoring tool throughout the entire campaign can provide a lot of benefits. From the research to analysis phase, a media monitoring tool can provide crucial information that can influence the course of a political campaign significantly.

Make Determ your ally in winning the next election!