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Dealing with unexpected situations

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:43 am
by Monira96
Unexpected situations are more or less a part of the daily job when working on an election campaign. When the elections are over, this doesn’t mean that the work stops and that you’re at peace now. As soon as one election period is done, the preparations for the next one begin (unless your candidate doesn’t want to run again), so being ready for anything coming your way is a must.

With Determ, you have the possibility to receive australian girls whatsapp number real-time alerts whenever your candidate is mentioned somewhere online. You can set it up easily and receive an email or Slack notification. This will lead you directly to the mention and you can see immediately if this mention has the potential to grow into a crisis. What is more, you can set up Spike Alerts when there is in an increase in the amount of mentions for a certain Topic, because it could signify that something notable is going on. Ultimately, it will give you enough time to think of a strategy and prepare accordingly.


Set up alerts; source: Determ
Crisis mitigation
Apart from real-time alerts, there are several other ways you can use Determ to track reputation and see if there’s a crisis coming your way after the electoral storm finishes. Determ has a feature called word Word Cloud, and it enables you to see words which are most frequently used alongside your tracked keyword. Let’s take a look at Joe Biden again.

Read Political Reputation Management – How to Prevent a Political Crisis with Media Monitoring

word cloud for biden
Word cloud for Biden; source: Determ
If any of the words displayed within the word cloud had a negative meaning, you can easily track the mentions with this word and check the directions of the conversations mentioning this word. This gives you enough time to design a crisis communication strategy or to tweak your existing ones and get ready for impact.