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Fernando Paul Lara Galicia

Post by Bappy7 »

Types of internet domains and what each one means
Jul 29, 2024• 12 minute reading

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sa o sitio web general?
Have you ever wondered what the different types of domains you see in website addresses mean? Domains are a fundamental part of the structure of the web, and understanding them can be very useful . That's why we'll tell you everything you need to know about them below.

What are internet domains?
An Internet domain is a string of characters that identifies a website or resource on the network , thus facilitating its location by the user, and all types of web domains are made up of two parts: the name and the extension .

For example, in 'example.com', the word 'example' is the domain name, and the '.com' is the extension.

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Levels of mastery
There are different levels of mastery, and it is important to know them in order to choose the most appropriate one for each project. Discover them quickly and easily!

Top Level Domain (Top Level Domain in English)
They say that in 1985, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) launched eight Top Level Domain Names. These domains, abbreviated with the acronym TLD, became known as “domain name extensions” and represent the highest level in the Domain Name System (or DNS, as you will find it in many information sources).


The first Top Level Domains were:

.com : comes from the term “commercial”. It is the domain with the most registrations worldwide and was mainly originated to name websites for commercial use, although it is now used for regular web pages, business websites and emails.
Fun fact: since it is a widely used extension, there is less chance of finding a free name with this ending.

.net : its meaning in Spanish is “network” and it was created for domains related to the Internet, although most people use it to register a domain that already exists with the .com ending.
.org : Comes from the word “organization” and is primarily used for non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, or public institutions.
.int – Referencing the word “international,” these domains are restricted to organizations, institutions, and programs that are supported by a treaty between two or more nations (for example, the website of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( www.unfccc.int ).
.edu – This domain is used for schools, universities, or educational institutions with documented records.
.mil : Short for “military,” this domain was created expressly for the United States military branches.
.gov or .gob (depending on the language) : short for “government”. Like the .mil domain, this was exclusively for use by US federal government personnel and agencies (such as “nasa.gov”). Today, .gob (in Spanish) is used by government agencies, public programs, cities, and many other institutions that belong to the government sector of countries.
.arpa : This domain is used exclusively for the Internet infrastructure (ARPANET was the predecessor of the Internet). It should be noted that this domain is not used by ordinary web pages.
Lower Level Domain (SLD)
If you've come this far wondering what bottom-level domains are, you should know that this is what the part preceding the TLD in a web address is called . For example, in 'google.com', 'google' is the SLD.

These domains are essential when it comes to identifying and personalizing a website, and you will see this very clearly with well-known examples such as wikipedia.org, amazon.com, facebook.com or X.com.

Types of domains on the internet
In the context of the Internet, there are various types of domains that are used to categorize and organize web pages according to their purpose or location. Some of the most common types of domains are:

Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD): These domains represent general categories, such as .com (commercial), .org (non-profit organizations), and .net (networking). They are widely used and recognized worldwide.
Country code domain (ccTLD): These domains are associated with a specific country or region. For example, mx (Mexico), .us (United States), .uk (United Kingdom), and .ca (Canada). ccTLDs help identify the geographic location of a website.
Sponsored Top Level Domain (sTLD): These domains are sponsored by specific organizations or groups. Examples include .gov (government), .edu (educational institutions), and .mil (military). These domains indicate a website's specialized affiliation or purpose.
web domain
Generic Top Level Domains (gTLD)
Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) are basically a category within Top Level Domains. This category includes the domains we mentioned previously, plus other domains that can be used for general purposes.
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