To make important decisions for a company, and investments are part of this category, you cannot use random numbers. This would only give a very rough estimate of profitability.
ROI is a fundamental tool for companies and investors, but it must be used with great skill.
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by Mirko Cuneo
Jul 12, 2024
clock image7 minutes
talent scouting
Quick links
What is talent scouting?
Who is the talent scout?
Who does scouting?
The value and benefits of great talent scouting
How to do talent scouting well?
When we hear the word “ scouting ”, our mind immediately goes to the football sector.
Scouting in football is a continuous and complex process aimed at identifying emerging talents and improving the team . Scouts and scouts are responsible for monitoring players all over the world, analyzing not only their technical skills, but also their physical, tactical and mental characteristics .