if you work with information products, you know that selling a digital product involves several steps, such as production, advertising and, especially, convincing people to buy , which is not an easy task. The positive side is that sales triggers can help.
In practice, triggers are like stimuli given to the brain to awaken sensations that contribute to this purchasing decision . Which can be very important for those who work with the sale of digital products, right?
Therefore, if you want to better understand how sales mental triggers favor this process, continue reading to find out.
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what are sales mental triggers?
Mental sales triggers are persuasion techniques that act as stimuli for transportation email list the brain, facilitating the purchasing decision.
After all, anyone who works in sales knows that the task of convincing a consumer to purchase a product or service can be complex, but sales mental triggers can make the approach easier.
Precisely for this reason, they are widely used in companies' marketing and sales strategies , and their use is not restricted to digital.
You may have never noticed, but even a tv commercial that addresses issues such as “few units”, “only until day x”, “y% discount today only” are also using the famous sales triggers.
And that's why it's so important that you, as an infoproducer, know exactly what the types are and how to use each one when promoting digital products . Let's go!
What are sales triggers?
There are many sales mental triggers that you can use in your strategies, but the best known and most used are:
social proof;
anticipation .
All of these sales triggers can be used to generate more sales of information products, adding to the promotion strategies, whether you are the producer or an affiliate . Let's understand better how each one can be used in practice? So, see below!
How to use mental triggers in sales?
1. Mental trigger of reciprocity
you’ve probably heard the famous phrase “kindness begets kindness” at some point in your life. And in the world of marketing and sales, this statement makes a lot of sense.
Just stop and think about how many times you liked a video that had very interesting content and that helped you, as a way of giving back. Or that, in order to download a very useful e-book, you provided your data in exchange.
The mental sales trigger of reciprocity is, in fact, the basis of inbound marketing , as it works as a stimulus for reciprocation .
In the case of actual sales, however, this remuneration occurs through purchase.
For this to happen, it is very important that you know how to work well with the content you make available for free, without fear of generating value or passing on too much information.
After all, your potential customer will only consider buying from you, in these cases, when they feel that what is provided for free is valuable and genuine, that is, with the pure intention of helping them in some way.
5 sales mental triggers to persuade consumers of information products
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