Why should my company invest in marketing automation?

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Why should my company invest in marketing automation?

Post by nurnobi75 »

If you've heard of lead generation, nurturing and qualification, it's because you know what Inbound Marketing is . That new marketing that aims to gain people's attention instead of interrupting them.


Marketing automation and its particularities

Well, if your company has decided to work with Inbound Marketing, you will need a marketing automation tool . Marketing automation consists of automating a series of processes used in marketing strategies. With the help of a marketing automation tool , it will be possible to carry out a series of marketing actions in an integrated manner, such as publishing articles on the blog, sending marketing emails, posting content on social networks, lead generation and nurturing campaigns, among others. The benefits are many, such as recording actions, managing and monitoring each lead, allowing you to give individual attention in a personalized manner to better prepare them for sales action.

Thus, the marketing automation tool helps to identify the objectives and interests of the leads it works with, understanding their place in the sales funnel and what is necessary to convert them into customers more quickly and more efficiently.

3 benefits of investing in marketing automation

1st - Increased sales

Marketing automation helps your company understand and act in a personalized and scalable way with all of its leads. All strategies are designed based on customer problems and their behavior within the marketing funnel. This way, it is possible to identify business opportunities that ireland business fax list meet the needs of each profile or focus efforts on the most qualified leads, that is, those who are most prepared to purchase your product or service. In this sense, Inbound Marketing has a very simple logic: leads that have already been “educated” and have knowledge about your product or service and area of ​​activity are more likely to complete a purchase, with an increasingly higher average ticket.


2nd - Reduction of Customer Acquisition Cost

Marketing automation significantly reduces your CAC (cost of acquiring new customers) because the marketing team can focus on leads and how to qualify them by offering relevant content, instead of wasting energy on more expensive or less effective actions. In turn, the sales team starts to receive more qualified leads that are ready for conversion, boosting the efficiency and productivity of salespeople.

3rd. - Customer loyalty

If your lead is properly educated with the relevant content that your company will offer through various channels, they will certainly become qualified and will be more likely to purchase your product or service. But that's not all. After this acquisition, this customer needs to realize and believe that they have acquired an incredible product from the best supplier on the market.

Be sure that he will at some point take a stand on the perceived quality and value. If the experience was positive, he will become a fan of the brand, otherwise, he will do everything to prove that buying from your company is the worst deal possible. The point is that most likely, this will be done on the Internet, specifically on social networks, where everyone has a voice and these voices are amplified through sharing.

Therefore, it is not enough to generate leads, qualify them and make them buy. Above all, you need to make them come back and share positive experiences about what it was and is like to buy from you. Avoid process failures and build customer loyalty by delivering high-impact, high-quality products.
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