Forecasts for the global events industry predict a positive growth trend in the sector for the coming years, fuelled by the gradual economic recovery and the global expansion of many companies. In Spain, in particular, the average number of events planned by companies is expected to grow by more than 10% in 2016 compared to last year . These are forecasts from the report “ Global Meetings Forecast 2016 by American Express Meetings&Events ”.
This growth trend is a clear indicator that brands are increasingly aware of the potential that events represent as channels to reach their target audiences , both internal and external, so it is not surprising that they play an increasingly important role within corporate communication plans.
Strengthening the brand image, generating and strengthening ties with different audiences , improving positioning, standing out from the competition, promoting a product or attracting customers are djibouti email list just some of the objectives to be achieved by companies when they consider organizing an event as the way forward to transmit a message to a specific audience.
There are multiple types of events depending on the audience they are aimed at and the specific objective sought with each one, such as social gatherings, conventions, institutional events, incentive events, training workshops , networking , fairs or workshops , among others.
When it comes to product launches, Apple is the undisputed king , capable of turning them into a media phenomenon, streamed across the planet, and which the media, industry and consumers alike look forward to with excitement every year, not new products, but also for the iconic way in which they are displayed. Pure spectacle.