"It's hard to get an appointment..."
"Customers' reactions are weak and I don't know what they're thinking..."
"How can I increase my chances of winning a deal?"
Do you have such worries?
Perhaps it is becoming more difficult to achieve results with traditional sales methods.
The situation surrounding inside sales is changing day by day. Customers now gather information through various channels, such as websites, social media, and comparison sites, before speaking directly with a salesperson.
This means that your customers are making comparisons without you even knowing it.
Traditional customer data only provided insight into a small portion of the customer's data, such as website visit history and requests for information.
But what if you could understand customer behavior more deeply and approach them in a way that suits their needs? Increasing your chances of winning business and building good relationships with your customers is no longer just a dream.
What is attracting attention is "dark funnel visualization."
What is a dark funnel? The truth about customer chinese thailand b2c phone number data behavior that determines the success or failure of inside sales
In recent years, customer behavior has become more complex even in B2B businesses.
From gathering information to making a purchasing decision, customers now take their time to carefully consider their options, across multiple touchpoints.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to capture customers' hearts with the traditional "push" sales style, in which sales representatives unilaterally provide information.
Only by deeply understanding the needs of each individual customer and providing the right information at the right time can we build a relationship of trust with the customer and close the deal.
Dark funnel visualization is a powerful tool for doing just that.
By analyzing customer behavior in detail, you can see the following:
Using this information to tailor an approach to each individual customer will increase the chances of winning business, ultimately leading to the creation of long-term relationships with customers.
What you can learn from visualizing the dark funnel – How to use it to improve the accuracy of your sales activities
"A salesperson who fully understands the needs of their customers is a pipe dream..."
Do you think so?
It may be impossible to completely read into a customer's mind, but by visualizing the dark funnel, it is possible to uncover previously unseen customer behavior and deepen customer understanding.
Hidden within the dark funnel are hints for taking the best approach at the best time for each individual customer.
Understanding customer behavior and psychology through visualization of the dark funnel
Specifically, what can you learn by visualizing the dark funnel?
Here are three representative examples.
What keywords are they searching for?
You can understand in concrete terms what issues and needs your customers have.
For example, a customer who searches for keywords such as "MA tool comparison" can be assumed to be considering introducing an MA tool and is in the process of comparing the services of various companies.
What content are they interested in?
You can find out what information they are interested in and infer where they are in the buying process.
For example, customers who download a feature comparison sheet rather than a case study are likely to place more importance on functionality, so it would be effective to provide them with information that allows them to get a concrete image of the implementation.
Are they also visiting your competitors' websites?
By understanding how you compare with your competitors, you can clearly identify the areas where you need to highlight your company's strengths and differentiate yourself.
For example, if you have customers who frequently visit a particular competitor's site, you can effectively demonstrate the superiority of your company's services by providing them with materials and proposals that clearly compare your services with those of your competitors.
As you can see, the information that can be obtained by visualizing the dark funnel is diverse, and it is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of customer behavior and psychology.