Then this register must be sent to the communications operator and, in the event of any changes, the relevant information on users must be entered into it. Each mobile operator sets its own procedure for submitting personal information. For example, MTS suggests entering personal data in the "Personal Account" on the website, in the mobile application or directly in the communication salon. You can also submit data by mail or with the help of a courier. Blocked for disinformation If the subscriber data is entered incorrectly or turns out to be deliberately false, then automatic verification with SMEV and ESIA will reveal this. In case of discrepancy, the operator will be obliged to block the number.
In the case where the company has ceased finland email list to exist, the subscriber must submit an application to transfer the number for personal use, presenting supporting documents. 1, all operators accept payment for corporate communications only from the current account of the legal entity to which these numbers are registered. Operators will be required to reject any other types of payment (from personal accounts or bank terminals).One of the most priority areas of "intellectualization" for telecom operators in the next few years will be the launch of chatbots. Software robotization is already affecting the work of technical support, the department for working with individuals and many other areas.
Moreover, chatbots are ready to "communicate" both in text mode and "voice", both by phone and in the most popular messengers. In an effort to follow market trends, operators have begun to build up the relevant competencies within themselves. The chatbot market promises to be one of the fastest growing in the next few years. Moreover, speech technologies will be in the greatest demand. Thus, according to estimates by the voice solutions developer Just AI (i-Free group of companies), in 2018 the market will grow more than twice as much as the previous year, and will maintain explosive growth rates over the next five years.