When Facebook first offered advertising opportunities for businesses, most B2B marketers saw Facebook as a B2C platform. They thought most of their audience would congregate around LinkedIn, and even though LinkedIn’s advertising was more expensive, it seemed to be worth the cost.
Now B2B marketers understand Facebook moj database advertising a little better. While they don’t offer sales and promotions like B2C marketers, B2B marketers are using Facebook to direct traffic to their sites and encourage potential clients to sign up for emails, download white papers and reserve places at trade shows. Once B2B marketers made Facebook their own, they saw better results than LinkedIn at a fraction of the cost.
Of course, just having a Facebook page isn’t enough to generate clicks to your website and increase your conversions. If you want to use Facebook effectively, you have to advertise. In this post, we’ll walk you through the creation of a solid Facebook advertisement and provide you with advice for optimization, best practices, and A/B or split testing.
Copy length on Facebook ranges from about 30 characters up to 90 characters, depending on the ad. In general, shorter ads tend to be more clickable. Remember, you only have your reader’s attention for a few short seconds. Deliver the message and deliver it fast.
Best practices: Your copy should have a strong call-to-action (CTA) to motivate clients and customers to click through the ad. The CTA moves them to complete a certain action–sign up for emails or download an e-book. A good CTA, for example, can help you grow your database.
To write a good CTA, check out some of these types:
The Stop: A negative CTA (“Stop doing this”) can be highly effective. It makes your reader stop for a moment and consider what they’re doing is wrong. This is often enough to compel them to click through.
The Freebie: Everyone likes a freebie. By offering a free e-book download, you give readers a good incentive to click your ad.
The Sick-Of: “Sick of poor customer service? Aren’t we all?” Play on a well-known industry pet peeve that many of your clients have. Chances are, other clients share the same pet peeve as well.