Breakdown: Marketing Cloud Automation Studio Activities

Bank data will gives you up to date and fresh database. You will get phone number or whatsapp or telegram data here.
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Breakdown: Marketing Cloud Automation Studio Activities

Post by akiyaaa »

With just a few clicks, you can put a process in place whereby a .csv file is imported into Marketing Cloud Engagement and filtered into Data Extensions based on your audience segmentation strategy. You can also automate new contacts being added to Journey Builder, or even send a one-time email directly from Automation Studio.

Simply drag and drop your chosen ‘activity’ onto the canvas and it will form part of your automation.

First, though, you need to understand each of the ‘Activities’ and bulgaria number code what they do because some are more complex than others.

If you’re new to Automation Studio, also check out the frequently asked questions blog we made earlier. It covers the basics of what Automation Studio is all about.

Automation Studio ‘Activities’ explained

Screenshot of Marketing Cloud Automation Studio Activities
There are 15 default Activities in Automation Studio. These are:

Data Copy or Import
Uses an external file to update your subscriber list or Data Extension by either:

Making a copy of the data file or;
Using an Import Definition to import the data
You can create an Import Definition in Marketing Cloud Contact Builder. This is where you select things like the destination for your data, the file you want to import from the FTP (with the right naming conventions!), server, or existing Data Extension, as well as mapping your headers and choosing how you want the imported data to be handled.

You might use this activity when you have new data to import to Marketing Cloud, perhaps from a third-party system.
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