What is business intelligence software?

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What is business intelligence software?

Post by Aklima@411 »

If you are looking for a business intelligence tool, you are spoiled for choice. There are several options to choose from:

Process mining software. Tools for extracting process information from event logs of enterprise resource systems.
Task mining software that collects process information from the workstations of specific teams or groups of employees.
Process discovery software. Tools that use process mining or task mining to identify the current state of business processes.
Hybrid Process Intelligence. Software that combines process mining, process discovery and/or task mining in the same solution.
Self-built process analytics – manually created tools and dashboards, for example using Microsoft Excel for data processing and Tableau for data visualization.
Process intelligence vs. process mining
Process monitoring and mining are two powerful poland business email list methodologies used by businesses to analyze, optimize, and improve their operations. While they have some similarities, they differ markedly in approach, scope, and capabilities.


Process intelligence is a comprehensive approach to understanding and optimizing business processes through the exploitation of data and analytics. Process mining is a subset of process intelligence that focuses on analyzing event logs generated by information systems, such as ERP or CRM applications.

Differences between process intelligence and process mining
Scope. Process Intelligence covers a broader range of processes within an organization, while Process Mining focuses on specific processes captured in event logs.
Data sources. Process Intelligence uses a wider variety of data sources, including structured and unstructured data, while Process Mining relies primarily on event logs from information systems.
Approach. Process Intelligence takes a more holistic approach to process analysis, encompassing process discovery, monitoring, optimization, and automation. Process Mining, on the other hand, focuses primarily on process discovery and analysis.
Capabilities. Process intelligence offers a broader range of capabilities, such as real-time monitoring, workflow automation, and advanced analytics. Process mining is more specialized and focuses on analyzing event logs to uncover process inefficiencies and bottlenecks.
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