Scrum and Kanban as Agile-based methods

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Scrum and Kanban as Agile-based methods

Post by mehadihasan123456 »

The most popular systems close to the Agile methodology are Scrum and Kanban.

Scrum is a project management method that has much in common with Agile. The approach was first described in a 1986 paper by management experts Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka. They gave it a descriptive name, borrowing a word from sports terminology: scrum — the hustle and bustle of a rugby match.

The essence of the method is that the best lista de numeros whatsapp results are achieved by small teams that include specialists from different fields. The work process is divided into short stages called sprints. They last 2-4 weeks, and each of them is a complete cycle:


Developing a sprint plan.
Daily short meetings to discuss the current status of the project and problems, as well as adjust tasks.
Presentation of intermediate results of the work to the customer.
Analysis of each completed sprint , highlighting successful and unsuccessful decisions.

Scrum is mainly used to manage the development process of complex software. Compared to the sequential, cascade model of waterfall, it allows to increase productivity and reduce the project implementation time. Its advantage is the ability to modify the product during its development if new requirements appear from the customer or other significant factors are revealed. Advantages of Scrum:
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