In this technological era, personalized email vs. business cards have been the talk of the town in recent years. Do you know why?
Your website and your corporate email are the only cover letter you need these days.
Having a corporate email allows you to be recognized more north korea business email list easily in the digital world.
It is well known that when someone receives an email, it is much more likely to be seen and even answered if it comes from a trustworthy source; this means that it has a corporate domain.
Corporate email servers are designed to immediately send all emails with a generic domain - such as Hotmail or Gmail - to spam.
Imagine how many opportunities you could lose, how many deals could be left hanging, and how many contracts could slip through your fingers simply by continuing to use an email with a generic domain.
In addition to giving you a professional and serious image, personalized email can do more for you and your business than you imagine.
Personalized email
When you have a personalized email, you don't need an introduction, since your website domain is enough for the recipient to know who they are talking to and can take a quick look at your website to learn a little more about you and your business.
In addition, they are certain that you are a professional, trustworthy and serious person.
If all this doesn't convince you to have your own personalized email -because you think that getting one is going to cost you a large investment of money, time and effort-, let me tell you that this is a total lie:
Having your own corporate email is easier than you imagine, you no longer have to spend entire weeks creating your website or investing thousands of pesos in it.
Whether the corporate website you want to launch is just a blog to publish relevant articles in your field, an online store to sell your products 365 days a year or simply a minimalist website to have a presence on the Internet and make it easier for people to find you, having a professional presence on the Internet makes all the difference.

Have your own domain for your website: it is best to have the name of your company, brand or service, as this way people will be able to find you immediately. When you buy the domain, it automatically becomes your property and, if for some reason the one you want is taken, you can try different domain extensions.
One tip you should take into account is that the domain you choose should be easy to remember and, above all, to write. When your clients, suppliers or anyone wants to contact you, they should be able to write your personalized email correctly and thus avoid communication errors.
The next step is to hire a hosting service for your site so that you can have access to the corporate email accounts you will need.
Some companies offer packages that already include at least one free email account, and if you want more accounts, you can pay for them separately.
That's all you have to do to enjoy a personalized email, but if you're still not convinced, then you should know some of the advantages of having a personalized email account with your website's domain.
For example, you can create special groups for your contacts to divide them between clients, suppliers, investors or anyone else you need and send them detailed information.
Other advantages of personalized email
You can manage your emails from various devices, as all email services allow you to enter your account in various email management services, from the applications that are already included in the devices to Outlook, for example.
Another advantage is that you won't have to deal with spam since, being a corporate account, you can have more control over this.
Your privacy is one of the biggest advantages: a generic email account does not have the appropriate privacy controls and it is very easy for hackers or malware to access your information. With a personalized email this does not happen, you have the guarantee that the company that offers you this service has the highest security and privacy standards.
Finally, annoying ads will not be part of your emails: being a private server, you will not have to deal with this.
Your message will arrive clearly and directly to its recipient without being diminished by third-party advertising or misinterpretations.