Use your time working in the agency for networking and self-education. Freelance This way you can work "for yourself". Moreover, among the customers there can be both small companies and serious firms with international capital. The price tag for services in this format may be higher, but the effort costs of finding clients, discussing details with them and much more are added. Your business reputation also matters. If you are just starting to work in the direction of SEO optimization, start collecting your cases and reviews. Vacancies for SEO specialist It is especially difficult to talk about finding a job now, because many companies have put their business on hold due to the war.
But it adds optimism that a competent SEO specialist iran phone number lookup is a sought-after profession. For example, at the time of writing, SEO specialist vacancies were open at Idea Digital Agency, WAMproject marketing agency, Udigital digital agency, etc. Self-study SEO: Useful Courses, Books, Blogs You have already seen that a website promotion specialist is a very versatile person, a person who must follow new trends and constantly improve. The self-education materials we offer below will help with this. The courses available online will help you master SEO from scratch: Well Number of lessons/modules Organization Peculiarities Access format / cost Basics of Digital Marketing (SEO block included) 26 modules Google IAB Accreditation There are video tutorials Certificate For free SEO for Beginners 12 lectures + 5 bonus videos Author's video course by S.
Koksharov Special project Devaka together with Collaborator For free SEO specialist 15 lessons SkillUP 15 lessons and video materials Analysis of real cases 14 500 UAH. SEO Beginning 5 thematic blocks Projector - Creative & Tech Online Institute Video lectures and webinars Course project 16,000 UAH. You can also find information on SEO in books. But perhaps this format is more suitable for those who want to understand the basics of website promotion on the Internet. Regarding modern features and details, it is better to look for information in fresh articles and blogs, since search algorithms are regularly updated and this cannot be reflected in books in a timely manner. So, we offer you some of the most fundamental books: John Jantsch and Phil Singleton SEO for Growth: The Ultimate Guide for Marketers, Web Designers & Entrepreneurs.