Automatic Subtitles for IGTV Videos

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Automatic Subtitles for IGTV Videos

Post by [email protected] »

Payments have been simplified and leverage the secure and convenient Facebook PAY. In addition to the broader native payment offering, there are a few other great new features.

For starters, businesses can now easily launch an Instagram Shop with payment using Commerce Manager or by integrating with partners like BigCommerce or Shopify. This is designed to streamline the selling process on Instagram. Creators can tag your products in their posts to further increase sales on the platform.

And to help businesses through the tough ivory coast phone number library economic climate, all Instagram payment selling fees are being waived through the end of the year. You can also see more detailed analytics on your sales in Commerce Manager.

Captions are an incredible asset to social media videos (and marketing videos in general), allowing you to connect with your audience much more effectively.

Many users choose to watch a video with the sound off, which is how it usually starts on autoplay. There are also many users who are hearing impaired, and subtitles make the content accessible to them.

Automatic captions are now making their way to IGTV videos. When you upload your video, you’ll be able to choose to use “auto-generated captions” by quickly activating a toggle bar.


Facebook’s (and therefore Instagram’s) caption converter may not be completely, 100% accurate, but it is more accurate than other solutions and improves overall accessibility.

And by the way, if you want to make your Instagram content more accessible overall, don’t forget to add alt text to your image posts – these can be used by people with screen readers so they can better use the platform.
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