“I watch a lot of baseball on the radio.” This quote, attributed to former US President Gerald R. Ford, gives an idea of why the audio format is so successful. On the radio, and currently in podcasts, the link established between the sender and the receiver stimulates the latter’s imagination, turning the sentences they hear into images in their brain.
Despite the emergence of increasingly interactive channels, listening to conversations, descriptions or opinions remains deeply human, and audio retains enormous power of seduction. Today, in parallel with radio, an even more intimate communication model has grown, one that stands out for its authenticity . Podcasts in 2023 seem to be, once again, a success in terms of growth.
According to data collected by DemandSage , more than 2.4 million podcasts were broadcast worldwide at the end of 2022 , listened to by a total of 387 million people. Consumption of the format is increasing every year and the figures indicate that the trend will continue to rise. If we look exclusively at the Spanish market, we can confirm this trend.
The latest iVoxx Observatory on the state of podcasts in Spanish left a defining fact of this growth: during the year 2022, the time spent listening to podcasts in Spanish doubled compared to the previous year , with listeners bulk sms romania investing an average of 9.5 hours a week. 42.56% of those surveyed indicate that they listen to a podcast every day. For their part, listeners are subscribed to 4.5 podcasts on average and the mobile phone is, by far, the most used device for consuming them, with almost 50% of listeners.
A woman reviews her podcast script
These data reflect a reality: the format is a success that has known how to use technology and the agility of consumption offered by mobile devices to gain a loyal audience, using certain characteristics of radio and improving others. We point out some peculiarities that make podcasts continue to be a very valuable format for content creators and brands today, in 2023 .
They require a small investment . There are many ways to make a podcast. But, in reality, to broadcast it you only need a quiet space and a mobile phone that allows a quality recording. Then, there are various channels where they can be published, most of which the listener can access without making any payment.
Close and non-intrusive . One of the keys to this format is spontaneity. Of course, it is important to have a script and know what the key points are that you want to tell in order to impact the audience. But, at the same time, the fact that it is usually listened to from a mobile device and from any location demands that the content be agile, that a dynamic interaction is developed. In addition, it is the listener who takes the initiative at the time of listening, so even when you want to promote a brand, it is not done in an intrusive way.
Learning space that improves visibility and brand positioning . According to the iVoxx Observatory, 65.96% of podcast consumers access them “to learn something”. Once the type of listener and the market niche have been established, it is time to generate valuable and quality content that allows the listener to acquire knowledge. The visibility of the brand and its recognition will clearly benefit.
Building a community . Podcasts stimulate emotional bonds with the audience and generate a community of listeners who interact through other channels such as social networks based on the content they have heard. It is an extraordinary formula for improving engagement.
What are the podcast trends in 2023?
With all these benefits, it is not surprising that, in parallel with the increase in the number of listeners, it is assumed that the creation of podcasts in 2023 will increase. To achieve the desired impact, it is necessary to be aware of the trends that are already beginning to be felt this year in the format.
Progressive increase in advertising
The latest IAB study on digital audio predicts that advertising investment in podcasts will exceed 8% this year . Two of the most important formats will be branded content and sponsorship of certain content or sections. Brands need closeness with their potential customers and podcasts are the ideal space to achieve this.