Prefer to send emails in the morning so that your contacts have time to read them during the day. Looking at the open rate and click-through rate (CTR), the best times to send prospecting emails are:
On Saturday, with an average open rate of 45.2% and a click rate of 4.8%;
Friday. It has an open rate of 40.7% and a CTR of 3.4%;
Tuesday. This day has an average open rate of 38.7% and a click rate of 3.6%;
On Sunday, with a CTR of 3.7%.
Create a nice design
You need to give your target audience the motivation to vp facility managers email lists explore your prospecting email. If the support is not readable, your email will not be read. Create email templates to have a common thread and allow prospects to identify you more easily. It is a valuable time saver, as you only need to modify the text between each email.
Personalize your interactions
Address your target audience directly! Start the email with “Hi (name).” The reader knows that the email is addressed to them and it is not a mistake. Reading a prospecting email in which you feel that the brand or company considers you is more interesting.
Bon à savoir: Pour 6 marketeurs sur 10, la personanalisation est l'un des meilleurs moyens pour booster l'engagement des utilisateurs. Les entreprises qui l'utilisent augmentent leurs performances. Elles génèrent 40 % de recettes supplémentaires par rapport à celles qui ne l'exploitent pas.
Automate the process
This technique allows you to manage all aspects of an email prospecting campaign in one place. By tracking and analyzing contact behavior, marketing automation software allows you to create personalized journeys . It is based on the automated sending of targeted emails, triggered by precise actions. The goal? Reduce manual tasks and send a large number of 100% personalized emails.
Do not send unsolicited emails
Don't send daily emails to your entire contact list. You may have a high unsubscribe rate and fall into spam. Discover the solutions to avoid your prospecting emails being considered as spam:
Use an identical sender name for each prospecting email;
Avoid inserting words associated with spam in the subject of your emails: free, urgent, win, price, €, etc.;
Mention the physical address of your company;
Don't include too many images in your B2B prospecting email content;
Do not add attachments if this is an email sent to a large number of recipients;
Highlight the unsubscribe link.
The benefits of Dataventure for an email marketing campaign
At Dataventure, you have access to over 400 exclusive opt-in databases for your performance email marketing campaigns. We also offer a creation studio to create, integrate and host the advertising visuals for your email prospecting .