SFR Smartphone Email Carousel Example

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SFR Smartphone Email Carousel Example

Post by pappu693 »

But beware, video is not for everyone, especially when it comes to certain email services. A mirror page on your website is very useful when the video cannot be played directly in Inbox.

Once again, be careful with the length! Choose a fairly short format to avoid falling into SPAM.

At Dataventure, we like to weigh up the pros and cons, but above all, we like your campaigns! While video is a real asset for varying your CRM communications, we don't think it's well suited to vp quality email lists acquisition emails... Too many clicks are lost and there's a risk of incompatibility!

If the lure of the video is too strong: use a still image instead, or a Gif with a Play button that links to your site with a pop-up video...

Try it! It's not often used in emails, but it's popular in the fashion, automotive and travel industries.

The carousel invites you to promote product ranges or colors using buttons or automatic transitions. Like videos and GIFs, carousels can also be used to distribute more content without lengthening the email.

The carousel is nice. But... the weight, the weight, the weight! (You can't say we didn't warn you!) The Carousel code is heavy and can slow down loading.

So no more than 5 images, and remember that only one redirect is possible. Don't disappoint your potential customers by presenting too many references.

So we're not encouraging cheating, but as Canada Dry would say: it looks like a carousel, it's pretty like a carousel but it's not a carousel and that's why it works ... The easiest way is to make a Gif that looks like a carousel on autoplay....

Integrated into an acquisition email, you will benefit from all the advantages of the Gif, without the drawbacks seen above. Ok, it's a bit of a cheat, but shhh, it's all between us...

Example of a REDbySFR email countdown
It's an effective way to create a sense of urgency and high expectations... all with a disconcertingly simple integration!


We love them for flash sales, product launch teasers and pre-sale periods. They energize, create pressure and make you want to buy.

From a creative point of view, it offers a great deal of freedom, especially the possibility of changing the message at any time and, of course, once the timer has expired...

Just as compatible as the Gif, and therefore versatile, the countdown is best placed at the beginning of the email, just before or after the offer.

In order not to lose any of the dynamism offered by this "suspense" format, do not forget to include the seconds (Day / Hour / Minute / Second) that give the impression that time is passing very quickly and therefore the offer too! To maintain the effect, display this timer on your landing page as well.
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