What happened with Herschel Walker

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What happened with Herschel Walker

Post by Monira96 »

As for Mr. Herschel Walker – he and his PR team made some rather questionable choices when dealing with this crisis. At first, he denied everything despite being faced with evidence. Then after a few days, he admitted that he had given this lady money but that he hadn’t known what it was for. This caused another negativity spike (as seen in the graph above), showing the lack of transparency and honesty. And this is not an image you’d like to create a couple of weeks before the elections.

Words most frequently used next to banco de dados numeros whatsapp Herschel Walker; source: Determ
2. Use real-time alerts to react on time
When it comes to preserving one’s reputation, there is nothing more important than a timely reaction. Suppose you tackle an issue on time before the frustration, fake news, or something else potentially harming spreads like wildfire. In that case, you can consider your political reputation management techniques very successful.


Read 5 Political PR Challenges and How to Handle Them

One media monitoring feature that is very important in providing time is real-time alerts. You can get notifications on your email or through Slack the very second your keyword is mentioned somewhere online. In this way, you can check immediately if the mention has the potential to turn into a crisis and plan your communication accordingly.

Real-time alerts also increase your team’s productivity and save you money. Traditionally, PR specialists searched for mentions manually. You can imagine how time-consuming that might have been. With real-time alerts, your team can easily drift their focus to something more important within the campaign.
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